“We propose the symbol ⁂ to represent the fediverse”

⁂ is a typographical character, not an icon that needs to be inserted as an image. Unique-looking, but standardised. This means it’s very easy to copy-paste around! […]

⁂ is called an asterism. In astronomy, it refers to groups of stars in the sky, akin to constellations. We suggest that it’s a very fitting symbol for the fediverse, a galaxy of interconnected spaces which is decentralised and has an astronomically-themed name. It represents several stars coming together, connecting but each their own, without a centre.

Nice idea. I just followed @liaizon’s example and set the iOS/macOS text replacement feature to expand *** into ⁂.

Shortlink: https://eay.li/3rx Geolocation: 51.0002, 6.7943 Syndication: eay.social Format: JSON

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