Matt Mullenweg: On React and WordPress

Interesting development in the WordPress community: After creating it’s modern, React-based Calypso interface in 2015, Automattic and the WordPress team are now parting ways with React, because of a patent issue in it’s license. They are going to rewrite their upcoming Gutenberg editor with a new, yet to be chosen JavaScript framework, which then should become the new standard for WordPress.

While Preact, a lightweight React alternative with the same API, would be the obvious replacement, a majority of the community prefers a switch to Vue.js. An opinion I highly support. I had the opportunity to learn and work with Vue.js in my day job and for 2.0 in the last couple of months and I’m hooked. I think it’s right up WordPress‘ alley, because it’s an easy to learn, yet powerful framework and could be a perfectly fitting foundation for modern front-end development with WordPress in the years to come.

TL;DR: +1 for Vue.js

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