iMessage to Friend for Alfred v2

When someone wrote me an email a few days ago asking about my Alfred extension „iMessage to Friend“ and if it will ever be available for Alfred v2, I was a little bit surprised. Then I realized that I totally forgot to release the updated workflow to the public. I mailed it to a bunch of people, who asked me about it on Twitter when v2 was released earlier this year and I use it on a daily basis myself, but because I’ve spent a lot of time studying and working on other projects (I’m talking about you, Jeffrey Jacob) I missed to write about it here. Sorry about that.

The updated „iMessage to Friend“ (1.2) works basically the same way as before, but the setup is a little bit different from the last version. You can download it from the new project page, where you’ll also find the setup instructions. Finally.

Shortlink: Format: JSON

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