#donald trump

Twitter has 330 million monthly active users and 166 million daily active users.

Elon Musk had 117 million followers, when he started a poll to ask if Donald Trump’s account should be reinstated. He claimed that 134 million people saw this poll.

But only 15 million users voted in the poll, which they didn’t know was coming. That’s only 4,5% of all Twitter users, only 12,8% of Musks followers and only 11,2% of all people who saw this.

“The people have spoken.”

The Complete List of Trump’s Twitter Insults (2015-2021)

As a political figure, Donald J. Trump used Twitter to praise, to cajole, to entertain, to lobby, to establish his version of events — and, perhaps most notably, to amplify his scorn. This list documents the verbal attacks Mr. Trump posted on Twitter, from when he declared his candidacy in June 2015 to Jan. 8, when Twitter permanently barred him.

(via John Gruber, who comments this perfectly: „How great, too, that it can be said to be complete.“)

What Parler saw during the Attack on the Capitol

As supporters of President Donald Trump took part in a violent riot at the Capitol, users of the social media service Parler posted videos of themselves and others joining the fray. […] Below is a collection of more than 500 videos that ProPublica determined were taken during the events of Jan. 6 and were relevant and newsworthy. Taken together, they provide one of the most comprehensive records of a dark event in American history through the eyes of those who took part.

ProPublica hat die Videos, die von den aufständischen Trump-Anhängern beim Strum auf das Kapitol selbst auf die rechte, mittlerweile nicht mehr verfügbare Social-Media-Plattform Parler gestellt wurden, gesichtet und in eine irre, interaktive Timeline des Wahnsinns gepackt. (via Waxy)

I just banned Trump from Yonks‘ suggestions list, too.

Fun-fact: In Yonks‘ two year history only two people we’re bothered by the fact, that the „Trump as President“ suggestion showed an orange right next to it and that there also was an countdown to the 2020 election. 🍊

Caught on camera, police explode in rage and violence across the US

Over the past 72 hours, people across the US have captured what may be the most comprehensive live picture of police brutality ever. Any one of the videos we’ve seen could have sparked a national discussion, with people picking apart their elements, searching for context to argue about, and digging through the pasts of everyone involved. But it’s not just one act of violence. It’s everywhere.

Mit Erschrecken habe ich die Berichterstattung und Bilder verfolgt, die in den letzten Tagen während der Proteste in Folge des Mords an George Floyd und der allgegenwärtigen und fortwährenden Diskriminierung des Nicht-weißen Amerikas entstanden sind. The Verge, normalerweise eine Technologie-Publikation, hat die verstörenden (!) Bilder und Gescheh­nisse nun gesammelt. Hier wie da sollen diese als Dokumentation der Brutalität und Militarisierung der US-Polizei festgehalten werden. Neben seiner desaströsen Außen­politik und dem Umgang seiner Administration mit dem Coronavirus, nun ein weiterer negativer Höhepunkt in der Amtszeit Trumps.

Diese kurze Tweet-Konversation ist auf so viele Arten großartig: Umstrittener Tech-Millionär, der großer SciFi-Fan ist und seine Zeit damit verbringt SciFi-Konzepte zu realisieren/zu monetarisieren, säht vor dem Hintergrund einer ungeahnten, weltweiten Ausnahmesituation Verschwörungstheorien, indem er eines DER SciFi-Werke der Gegenwart zitiert. Woraufhin ihm die Tochter eines so dumpfen, wie bösartigen Präsidenten, wie es ihn eigentlich nur im überzeichneten Dystopie-Kino geben sollte, beipflichtet. Was die Co-Creatorin des besagten SciFi-Werks dazu bringt, Tech-Millionär und Präsidententochter in ihre Schranken zu weisen.‬

Crazy times, great reply.

If Trump had been in charge during World War II, this column would be in German

One day he says the war is already won; the next day that we will just have to accept the occupation of France because that’s the way life is.

Trump […] cannot focus on a single subject for the length of a paragraph. So it is no surprise that he has already gotten bored with a war against the coronavirus that isn’t going his way.

Great headline. (If paywalled, try your browser’s Article View or a „Read it later“ service like Pocket.)