„The USA is no longer considered a democracy“

Full quote of a short, horrifying Kottke post:

On a scale of +10 (full democracy) to -10 (full autocracy), the US now scores a 0, its lowest score since the Civil War. “The USA is no longer considered a democracy and lies at the cusp of autocracy.”

For comparison: No data for Germany, but France has been a 10 since 1986. And the U.S. scored an 8 in Biden’s term and a 5 in Trump’s first term.

Shortlink: https://eay.li/3ui Geolocation: 50.9738, 6.683 Syndication: eay.social Format: JSON

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13 Reaktionen / Kommentar schreiben

  1. von EchoFeed Amplify am 14.02.2025
  2. von Donswelt am 14.02.2025
  3. von Garvin Hicking am 14.02.2025
  4. von Battalion am 14.02.2025
  5. von Oliver Klee am 14.02.2025
  6. von US Politics Feed am 14.02.2025
  7. von Journalism & Comment Feed am 14.02.2025
  8. von Chrissie Ashenfelter am 14.02.2025
  9. Richtig beängstigend.
