Porsche by VW

Last week Volkswagen announced they are more closely linking the parent brand with the Porsche and Audi badges. The iconic sports and luxury brands would now be „Porsche by VW“ and „Audi by VW.“

Great essay by Scott Galloway about Facebook’s renaming of WhatsApp and Instagram, which he calls „one of the dumbest moves in the history of marketing“.

Free investment tips included:

People often ask me what stocks I own. Simple: the only investment strategy anybody needs is to own unregulated monopolies. I own Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Nike. Ok, Nike isn’t a monopoly […].

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4 Reaktionen

  1. @eay yes – the Prof is on a roll at the moment – brilliant one re The WeWork IPO

  2. @JohnPhilpin I have to admit that I didn’t know about him until today. I’m just reading through the archives and it’s really entertaining, insightful and so true!

  3. @eay @JohnPhilpin Ha, untrue: I already blogged about him back in 2015 (a great talk about Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google: https://eay.cc/2015/the-four-horsemen/). Will keep an eye on him from now on!

  4. @eay oh – that’s his book stuff – heart, passion, thought etc …