This typeface recreates the feeling of reading with Dyslexia for a non Dyslexic person therefore creating empathy and understanding for the problem. Like in any case only once a problem is fully understood can it be solved.
Marvel Character or Font?
Can you tell the difference?
Ein wichtiges und überfälliges Quiz von Carl Smith. (via Sidebar)
Future Fonts
Sehr coole Idee: Bei Future Fonts kann man Schriftarten, die sich noch in der Entwicklung befinden, kaufen und so bereits die Designer unterstützen. Im Gegenzug bekommt man alle „Updates“ der Schrift bis hin zur finalen Version.
Courier Prime
Since the beginning, screenplays have been written in Courier. Its uniformity allows filmmakers to make handy comparisons and estimates, such as 1 page = 1 minute of screen time. But there’s no reason Courier has to look terrible. We set out to make the best damn Courier ever.
New, free font for your screenplays.
How one typeface took over movie posters
Besteckhaus Glaub.
Netflix Sans
Netflix hat sich von Dalton Maag eine eigene Firmenschriftart entwerfen lassen, weil you’re not a real company until you have your own typeface die Lizenzkosten für die bisher eingesetzte Schrift Gotham zu teuer wurden und so nun mehrere Millionen eingespart werden können.
Different books, same W.
Comic Sans, meet Comic Neue
Comic Sans wasn’t designed to be the world’s most ubiquitous casual typeface. Comic Neue aspires to be the casual script choice for everyone including the typographically savvy.
Glyphr, ein HTML5-basierter Font-Editor
Font design has a high barrier of entry. Professional font design programs are very complex, and quite expensive. Glyphr is accessible, streamlined, and made for font design hobbyists… and it’s free!
The Web – Democratizing the World since 1989. (via Nerdcore)