The Social Web is The Web

Support for links is the basic requirement of the web, the same way we say feeds are required to be a podcast. If you don’t support links not only aren’t you the web, you’re anti-web.

This is important because the „social“ side of it is where that ignorance propagated. We started off with a network of writers, and ended up with business models of oligarchs. It’s time to start building webs like we mean it and damn all the wannabe-billionaires. The web is not just a name, it’s an idea, a basic value, a way of working with each other.

Dave Winer hat auf ein kleines, sehr richtiges Manifest geschrieben.

Shortlink: Geolocation: 50.9738, 6.683 Syndication: Format: JSON

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6 Reaktionen / Kommentar schreiben

  1. von EchoFeed Amplify am 07.02.2025
  2. von Dave Winer ☕️ am 07.02.2025
  3. @eay

    i’m glad someone read it! 😉
