(7½ years after the release of the last version. 🤯)
Einträge von Mai 2021
Video Game Glitches im Real Life
Schöner Werbespot voller Glitches im echten Leben, den MPC für den US-Mobilfunkanbieter Verizon gemacht hat. Damit man als Gamer mit deren 5G-Netz keine Glitches erlebt. Was natürlich Blödsinn ist, weil sich die (Pro-)Gamer, die sich dafür interessieren, natürlich per Kabel verbinden. Nun gut. Aber der Spot ist gut.
Status 2021-05-07 00:14
Today is the day. #VanWeezer
„i dont know what an NFT is and im too afraid to ask“
Great answer to the question above by Tumblr user queersamus (be warned, there’s nsfw content in his blog):
imagine if you went up to the mona lisa and you were like “i’d like to own this” and someone nearby went “give me 65 million dollars and i’ll burn down an unspecified amount of the amazon rainforest in order to give you this receipt of purchase” so you paid them and they went “here’s your receipt, thank you for your purchase” and went to an unmarked supply closet in the back of the museum and posted a handmade label inside it behind the brooms that said “mona lisa currently owned by jacobgalapagos” so if anyone wants to know who owns it they’d have to find this specific closet in this specific hallway and look behind the correct brooms. and you went “can i take the mona lisa home now?” and they went “oh god no are you stupid? you only bought the receipt that says you own it, you didn’t actually buy the mona lisa itself, you can’t take the real mona lisa you idiot. you CAN take this though.” and gave you the replica print in a cardboard tube that’s sold in the gift shop. also the person selling you the receipt of purchase has at no point in time ever owned the mona lisa.
unfortunately, if this doesn’t really make sense or seem like any logical person would be happy about this exchange, then you’ve understood it perfectly.
I’m happy for any indie artist, who is getting paid thanks to NFTs, but this and the way most crypto currencies are working right know is pure, ecological madness. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Bitcoin should be banned and outlawed. (via @tibor)
The UK’s new £50 note celebrates Alan Turing with lots of geeky Easter eggs
The Bank of England has revealed the design for the UK’s new £50 note featuring computer scientist and codebreaker Alan Turing.
The Instagram ads Facebook won’t show you
Großartiger Marketing-Stunt vom Messenger-Dienst Signal, der gerade zurecht rumgereicht wird: Signal wollte demnach auf Instagram Anzeigen schalten, die den Detailgrad der Datenerfassung von Nutzern für diese sichtbar machen sollte. Was Instagram-Besitzer Facebook natürlich nicht erlaubte…
The way most of the internet works today would be considered intolerable if translated into comprehensible real world analogs, but it endures because it is invisible.
Facebook is more than willing to sell visibility into people’s lives, unless it’s to tell people about how their data is being used. Being transparent about how ads use people’s data is apparently enough to get banned; in Facebook’s world, the only acceptable usage is to hide what you’re doing from your audience.
“The Moon’s atmosphere weighs 200,000 internets. One internet is 2.4 human souls.”
1. The entire internet, i.e. all the electrons in all the electricity: about 50 grams, the same as a plump strawberry. […]
2. The entire atmosphere of the Moon: less than 10 metric tonnes.
c.f. Earth’s atmosphere which is about 5.15 million gigatons. […]
3. The total volume of Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) in the whole world: about 160 milliliters, roughly 6 shot glasses.
4. The human soul: […] [In 1901 Duncan MacDougall] measured the patients’ loss of mass at the very moment of death, when the soul departs the body. The result and therefore the weight of the soul: 21 grams. […]
Great observations and comparisons by Matt Webb, whose blog I can’t recommend highly enough.
Teaser für Phase 4 des MCU

Marvel hat gestern dieses „Marvel Studios celebrates the Movies“-Video veröffentlicht, dass neben ersten Bewegtbildern zu Eternals insbesondere all die Filmtitel featured, die uns in den kommenden Jahren in der Phase 4 des Marvel Cinematic Universe erwarten – um dann endlichst in einer guten Fantastic Four-Verfilmung zu gipfeln!
Macht definitiv Lust auf mehr und volle, enthusiastische Kinosäle. Besonders nach dem wir – filmtechnisch und gesellschaftlich – im letzten Jahr so leer ausgingen.
99 Additional Bits of Unsolicited Advice
Kevin Kelly hat seinen 68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice nochmal 99 weitere, lesenswerte Erkenntnisse nachgelegt.
Update, 19.11.2023: Zugunsten eines Buches hat Kelly die Artikel mittlerweile gekürzt. Das Internet Archive hat weiterhin die Vollversion.