Disney kauft Lucasfilm

Andi schickte mir soeben die Breaking News des Tages: Disney kauft Lucasfilm für 4,05 Milliarden Dollar. Aus den Absichten dahinter machen beide Firmen natürlich keinen Hehl: es geht um Star Wars. In der Pressemitteilung heißt es konkret, dass demnächst Episode 7 & Co. auf uns zukommen:

Kathleen Kennedy, current Co-Chairman of Lucasfilm, will become President of Lucasfilm, reporting to Walt Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn. Additionally she will serve as the brand manager for Star Wars, working directly with Disney’s global lines of business to build, further integrate, and maximize the value of this global franchise. Ms. Kennedy will serve as executive producer on new Star Wars feature films, with George Lucas serving as creative consultant. Star Wars Episode 7 is targeted for release in 2015, with more feature films expected to continue the Star Wars saga and grow the franchise well into the future.

Da weiß man nicht, ob man lachen oder weinen soll. Wobei es ja eigentlich kaum noch schlimmer kommen konnte.

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